Do You want solar power for your house?
Here is a unique solar panel designed for powering individual houses looks like a flower.
The panels (petals of the solar flower) fold up and are self cleaning.
When the petals are unfurled the mechanism on top of the tower automatically tracks the sun so the flower’s solar panels operate at peak efficiency
Watch the video

bert soto
Jun 17. 2015
What is the cost of it
bert soto
Jun 17. 2015
I will like to know how much does it Coast and if you ship to puerto rico
Mike Bhikha
Jul 22. 2015
I am interested in this smart solar flower
1- is this product available in America ?
2- how much electricity its producing.
3- how much dose it cost.
ruud van tichelt
Sep 18. 2015
I will like to know how much does it Coast and if you ship to France in the Bordeaux region
Apr 06. 2017
How and where and do I get 1 in Colorado