Here Is An Award Winning Device That Has Some Interesting Potential
Again mother nature has shown the way.
There is a beetle called Namib beetle which is native to the Namib Desert which also happens to be one of the driest places on Earth.
This beetle has developed the unique ability to harvest water from the air at night so it can use it to survive during the day.
Here is how Airdrop works
During the time he came up when Linacre came up with the idea for Airdrop, there were already a number of air wells and condenser designs available in the market. These however were costly to operate and maintain since they required an energy source. A lot of these were also quite expensive and inefficient which was why most farmers didn’t bother installing them. On the other hand, the Airdrop irrigation solution does not require any kind of energy source other than solar power to harvest water from thin air. The air is drawn by the Airdrop’s turbine to a network of pipes underground which would then force it to condense. Once this happens, the water that results from this process then goes down into a water tank underneath the Airdrop. The water in this tank is then drawn back up via a pump through the central pipe. At this point, sub-surface drip irrigation is then used to directly irrigate the plants’ roots with the water.
The Benefits of a Low-Tech and Low Cost Irrigation Solution
What makes the Airdrop different (and more advantageous) from the water harvesting solutions now is the fact that it’s easy to install and setup. Most of the condensers or air wells that harvest water from thin air usually require the costly services of professionals to setup. So as not to add to the costs, Linacre focused on designing the Airdrop so that farmers would be able to install it and not worry about maintenance or power. According to the research he conducted regarding its possible yields, an Airdrop irrigation solution can harvest up to 11.5 milliliters of water per cubic meter of the air in the most arid of desert environments. And since it is not as expensive as most air wells/condensers, farmers in these areas can easily increase the number of Airdrop units they have to maximize water collection.
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